FTC Scrutinizing Healthcare Lead Generators and Marketers as Open Enrollment Begins

On December 10, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission announced that it has sent warning letters to 21 companies that market or generate leads for healthcare plans. The letters were sent as open enrollment season for healthcare plans is ongoing. They provide guidance and provide about deceptive or unfair claims that likely violate laws enforced by the FTC.

The letters were sent to companies that provide marketing or advertising, including lead generation, related to Affordable Care Act Marketplace health insurance and healthcare-related products, such as limited benefit plans and medical discount programs.

The purpose of FTC warning letters is to warn companies that their conduct is likely unlawful and that they can face serious legal consequences, such as a federal investigation of lawsuit, if they do not immediately stop.  Overwhelmingly, companies that receive FTC warning letters take steps quickly to correct and come into compliance with applicable legal regulations.

“It is critical for consumers’ health and financial well-being that marketers of health plans be honest about the plans they and their partners are offering,” said FTC attorney Samuel Levine, Director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection. “The FTC has been watching this important sector closely, especially during open enrollment season, and these warning letters put companies on notice that unlawfully marketing or advertising health plans to consumers can result in serious legal consequences.”

Based on information collected by FTC staff and the agency’s enforcement experience in this area, the types of claims FTC staff has warned about include those that may:

  • misrepresent the benefits included in a healthcare plan, including any insurance benefits;
  • misrepresent that a healthcare plan is major or comprehensive medical health insurance or the equivalent of such health insurance;
  • misrepresent the costs of healthcare plan; and
  • falsely claim that consumers who enroll in a healthcare plan will receive free offers, cash rewards, rebates, or other incentives.

Consult with a season FTC compliance attorney if you are a lead generator or marketer of health insurance leads in order to minimize risk of government scrutiny.  If you have received a warning letter, seasoned FTC compliance counsel may be able to assist with the implementation of preventative measures designed to limit liability exposure and protect your interests in the event of a formal investigation or enforcement proceeding.

The letters provide examples of prior relevant FTC actions against marketers and lead generators that operate in this field, including Simple HealthBenefytt Technologies, Partners in Healthcare Association, and Consumer Health Benefits Association.

While the letters do not allege any wrongdoing by any of the recipients, they encourage the companies to conduct a thorough review of their advertisements to ensure they are complying with applicable laws and rules, and the letters note that the FTC is closely monitoring this marketplace for unlawful conduct that is harming consumers.

Richard B. Newman is an FTC compliance lawyer  at Hinch Newman LLP.  Follow FTC defense lawyer on National Law Review.

Informational purposes only. Not legal advice. This article is not intended to and should not be construed as legal advice. May be considered attorney advertising

Richard B. Newman

Richard B. Newman is a nationally recognized FTC advertising compliance, CID investigation and regulatory enforcemetn attorney. He regularly provides advertising counsel and represents clients in high-profile investigations and enforcement proceedings initiated by the Federal Trade Commission, state attorneys general, departments of consumer affairs, and other federal and state agencies with jurisdiction over advertising and marketing practices. Richard is also an ecommerce lawyer and spam defense attorney. His practice additionally focuses upon false advertising defense, data privacy, cybersquatting, intellectual property law and transactional matters relating to the dissemination of national advertising campaigns, including the gamut of affiliate marketing, telemarketing, lead generation, list management and licensing agreements. Richard advises clients on how to minimize the legal risks associated with digital marketing, email marketing, telemarketing, social media influencer campaigns, endorsements and testimonials, negative option marketing models, native advertising, online promotions and comparative advertising,

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