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Richard Newman Authors Update for NLR on Assault Upon FTC Enforcement Authority
By Richard B. Newman |
FTC compliance and defense lawyer Richard B. Newman recently authored an article for National Law Review titled “Update on the Assault Upon FTC Enforcement Authority: Monetary Disgorgement Challenges and Executive Direction to Reform Agency Operations.” The article examines the U.S. Supreme Court in Liu v. SEC, the limits placed upon the SEC’s ability to seek monetary…
FTC Testifies About Threats to Enforcement Authority at Hearing Before Senate Commerce Committee
By Richard B. Newman |
The Federal Trade Commission recently testified at an oversight hearing before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation about the agency’s work to protect consumers and promote competition, including its efforts to combat frauds designed to take advantage of consumers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Testifying on behalf of the Commission, FTC Chairman Joseph Simons…
Richard Newman Authors Article for National Law Review on FTC Social Media Bot and Deceptive Advertising Congressional Report
By Richard B. Newman |
FTC defense attorney Richard B. Newman recently authored an article for National Law Review titled “FTC Reports to Congress on Social Media Bots and Deceptive Advertising.” On Jul 16, 2020, the Federal Trade Commission announced that it has sent a report to Congress on the use of social media bots in online advertising. The report summarizes…
Supreme Court Grants Certiorari: Will Determine Whether FTC Entitled to Seek Equitable Monetary Relief in the Form of Disgorgement
By Richard B. Newman |
FTC defense attorney Richard B. Newman recently authored an article for National Law Review titled “Supreme Court Decides to Rule on FTC’s Disgorgement Authority.” As previously blogged about here and here, the Supreme Court recently upheld the SEC’s disgorgement authority but imposed various limits, including the consideration of net profits and legitimate business expenses. The…
Richard B. Newman Quoted in Bloomberg Law on How SCOTUS Decision in Liu May Have Significant Implications on the FTC’s Monetary Disgorgement Power
By Richard B. Newman |
Richard B. Newman, an advertising practices and FTC defense attorney at Hinch Newman LLP, was quoted in a Bloomberg Law article on the highly anticipated decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in Liu v. SEC. On June 22, 2020, the Supreme Court held that the Securities and Exchange Commission can obtain disgorgement as a form…
Supreme Court Considers Viability of Disgorgement as Regulatory Remedial Weapon
By Richard B. Newman |
FTC compliance and defense attorney Richard B. Newman authored an article for the National Law Review titled “All Eyes on Liu as Supreme Court Considers Whether to Restrict Disgorgement as a Regulatory Enforcement Remedy.” The article examines the Supreme Court case of Liu v. Securities and Exchange Commission where the Court is presently considering whether the SEC may seek…