
Three Things Lead Generators Must Know About the New FCC Single Seller Rule

As previously blogged about here, the Federal Communications Commission recently published the final, single-seller lead generator consent rule (the “Rule”).  The Rule amends the definition of “prior express written consent” for purposes of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act and will dramatically impact the lead generation industry. How Does the FCC’s One-to-One, Single Seller Rule Impact…

Richard B. Newman Quoted in Cybersecurity Law Report on Xbox and Alexa FTC COPPA Case Lessons: Biometrics, Avatars and Other New Expectations

FTC advertising compliance and defense lawyer Richard B. Newman was recently quoted in an article for Cybersecurity Law Report titled “Xbox and Alexa COPPA Case Lessons: Avatars, Biometrics and Other New Expectations.” The article discusses the FTC’s recent privacy enforcement run and how it reinforces regulators’ expanding expectations for companies using video and audio recordings, smart devices…

FTC Explores Environmental Claims and Civil Penalty Rulemakings

On May 23, 2023, the Federal Trade Commission hosted a national workshop designed to consider the current state of recycling practices and recycling-related advertising. This follows an FTC announcement in December 2022 that the agency was seeking public comment on potential updates and changes to its ‘Green Guides’ for the use of environment marketing claims. …

FTC Compliance and Defense Lawyer Discusses Existential Threat to Lead Generation Industry

As previously blogged about here, the FCC recently proposed a rule that would turn the lead generation on its head.  The proposed new rule goes quite a bit further than simply requiring wireless carriers to block texts from illegitimate numbers.  See more, here. In addition to carrier investigation and blocking obligations, as well as an extension of DNC…

FCC Proposed Rule Would Turn Lead Generation Industry on its Head

The FTC has issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would devastate the lead generation industry if enacted. The FCC Chairwoman has proposed a new rule that would block unlawful robotexts.  Read more, here. The FCC first issued a Report and Order requiring mobile wireless providers to block text messages from numbers on a reasonable Do Not…

Use of Certain Technologies to Track Web Session Data May be Unlawful

Attention Lead Generators  The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals recently held that use of certain technologies on a websites in order to track and record web session data before obtaining affirmative consent may be a violation of  California’s wiretap statute. In the case of Javier v. Assurance IQ, LLC and ActiveProspect Inc. (*not precedent except as…