
BBC World News Features Internet Advertising Attorney Richard B. Newman on Facebook’s 2018 Mission Statement

On January 5, 2018, BBC World News called on Internet advertising lawyer Richard B. Newman to provide commentary on Mark Zuckerberg’s mission to “fix” Facebook.  Mr. Newman expressed that because social media companies have come under fire for allowing so-called bogus-news and fake political ads on their platforms during the 2016 U.S. elections, public-facing announcements regarding the implementation of policies designed to better…

Progressive Blockchain Technology Legislation Proposed by New York Assemblyman

Cryptocurrencies have dominated the news recently, including the highest percentage loss of value that bitcoin has seen all year. Blockchain, the decentralized network facilitating and verifying cryptocurrency transactions, is a potent technology the makes possible a currency without a central bank. A New York Aseemblyman has proposed legislation related to the validity of blockchain transactions. One…