
FCC Proposed Rule Would Turn Lead Generation Industry on its Head

The FTC has issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would devastate the lead generation industry if enacted. The FCC Chairwoman has proposed a new rule that would block unlawful robotexts.  Read more, here. The FCC first issued a Report and Order requiring mobile wireless providers to block text messages from numbers on a reasonable Do Not…

TCPA and Telemarketing Lead Generation Legal Update

Lead generators and those within the telemarketing ecosystem should know and appreciate the legal regulatory requirements, restrictions and risks prior to engaging such high-risk campaigns.  Violations of regulations, statutes and best practice guidelines can result in statutory penalties, as well as both personal and corporate. Below is a brief summary of recent legal developments may…

Use of Certain Technologies to Track Web Session Data May be Unlawful

Attention Lead Generators  The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals recently held that use of certain technologies on a websites in order to track and record web session data before obtaining affirmative consent may be a violation of  California’s wiretap statute. In the case of Javier v. Assurance IQ, LLC and ActiveProspect Inc. (*not precedent except as…

Good Consent-Based TCPA Win for Lead Generators

Volkswagen launched a marketing campaign.  It paid dealerships nationwide to retain a third party to place service reminder calls to their customers.  Automated technologies were purportedly used to make calls to plaintiff without consent. The Central District of California decertified a class of these TCPA plaintiffs because consent issues were so individualized that the plaintiffs…

FTC Urges Congress to Restore Section 13(b) of the FTC Act and Resurrect Penalty Offense Authority

As blogged about here, the FTC’s authority to seek monetary disgorgement relief from defendants in federal court is under assault.  Consequently, all five FTC Commissioners have recently forwarded a letter to the Chairs and Ranking Minority members of the Senate Commerce and House Energy & Commerce Committees urging the Committees to pass legislation that would…

Richard Newman Authors Update for NLR on Assault Upon FTC Enforcement Authority

FTC compliance and defense lawyer Richard B. Newman recently authored an article for National Law Review titled “Update on the Assault Upon FTC Enforcement Authority: Monetary Disgorgement Challenges and Executive Direction to Reform Agency Operations.” The article examines the U.S. Supreme Court in Liu v. SEC, the limits placed upon the SEC’s ability to seek monetary…